Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam (initials U.S.) is a common national personification of the American government or the United States in general that, according to legend, came into use during the War of 1812 and was supposedly named for Samuel Wilson but whose actual origin may be obscure. Uncle Sam represents a manifestation of patriotic emotion (of people in America for the country in which they live).

The first use of Uncle Sam in formal literature, as distinct from newspapers, was in the 1816 allegorical book "The Adventures of Uncle Sam in Search After His Lost Honor" by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq. An Uncle Sam is mentioned as early as 1775, in the original "Yankee Doodle" lyrics of the American Revolutionary War. It is not clear whether this reference is to Uncle Sam as a metaphor for the United States, or to an actual person named Sam. The lyrics as a whole clearly deride the military efforts of the young nation, besieging the British at Boston. The 13th stanza is:

Earlier personifications

Uncle Sam (song)

"Uncle Sam" is a song by British ska/pop band Madness from their 1985 album Mad Not Mad. It was predominantly written by their saxophonist Lee Thompson, but partially credited to their guitarist Chris Foreman.


The single spent 11 weeks in British charts peaking at number 21, ending a run of 20 consecutive top 20 entries stretching back to their 1979 debut "The Prince". It was also issued in a 'Flag Bag' - the 7" single wrapped in an American flag with the titles in Russian printed on the flag. The song's lyrics are the narrative of a soldier's experiences in World War II. The track was edited for release as a single, the album version being over a minute longer.

Music video

Madness released a music video to accompany the single which is a parody of British relations with the United States (US). The video opens at an address of English row houses. A milk truck arrives with a delivery. A man comes down the sidewalk from one of the doors dressed in suit and a cowboy hat, waving in an exaggerated "yank" manner. A paperboy and other working men come along the street. A news announcer breaks in with an "important announcement," and the video cuts to a toy battleship sailing on a map table within one of the houses. The man operating the ship is dressed in a military uniform, wearing a World War II type steel helmet and a French Foreign Legion jacket with epaulets. His uniform includes the 1st Foreign Regiment and 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment wings insignia. The music begins.

Uncle Sam (film)

Uncle Sam is a 1996 horror comedy film directed by William Lustig, and written by Larry Cohen.


In Kuwait, a military unit uncovers an American helicopter downed by friendly fire at least three years ago. As the wreckage is inspected, Master Sergeant Sam Harper, one of the burnt bodies within, springs to life and kills a sergeant and a major, and returns to an inert state after muttering, "Don't be afraid, it's only friendly fire!"

Weeks later, Sam's body is delivered to his hometown of Twin Rivers, which is preparing for Independence Day. Sam's wife Louise is given custody of the casket containing Sam's remains, which are left in the home of Sam's estranged sister Sally, who lives with her patriotic young son, Jody. Sam reanimates in the early hours of the Fourth of July, and proceeds to kill and steal the costume of a perverted Uncle Sam. Sam then makes his way to a cemetery, where he murders two of three juvenile delinquents who had vandalized tombstones, and desecrated an American flag.


Uncle Sam


Uncle Sam


Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam


Uncle Sam



Uncle Sam

by: Uncle Sam

Early one mornin' while you were asleep
I received a letter but there was no addressee
So I paid it no mind, in fact, I wanted to send it back
But something that I was feeling said open it
It said, "Dear reader, once close friend of mine
Hope that this letter finds you in time
'Cause your love is endin' and my life's just beginnin'
With a woman that I know you hold dear to you"
And it made me wanna say
I don't ever wanna see you again
But I stuck by you till the end
And my conscience is clear
And I can move on from here
But I wish I could say the same for you, baby
I don't ever wanna see you again, no, yeah
But tell me why did it have to be my best friend?
That you were messin' around with
I didn't want to notice it
I was true to my love for you
It took me a minute to wake up and see
What the love of my life was doin' to me
I wanted to lay down and die
'Cause my pride wouldn't let me cry
Somehow I knew I had to get over it
He said he couldn't understand
Until he felt your touch
Now he can see why I love you so much
And that's so unfair
I never thought I have to share
Your love that I thought was given
To only me and that's why
I don't ever wanna see you again
But I stuck by you till the end
And my conscience is clear
And I can move on from here
But I wish I could say the same for you, baby
And I don't ever wanna see you again
But tell me why did it have to be my best friend?
That you were messin' around with
I didn't want to notice it
I was true to my love for you
And you say you love me?
Love must've been blind
'Cause I sure didn't see this one comin'
My best friend, huh?
They say keep the one's you love close
And your enemy's even closer
But I can't win for losin', girl
'Cause the one I thought was a friend to me
Ended up being my true enemy
Listen to me, baby
I gave you everythin'
My love and my ring
And you violated me
And I don't wanna see you again
I don't ever wanna see you again
But I stuck by you till the end
And my conscience is clear
And I can move on from here
But I wish I could say the same for you, baby
I don't ever wanna see you again
But tell me why did it have to be my best friend?
That you were messin' around with
I didn't want to notice it
I was true to my love for you
I don't ever wanna see you again
But I stuck by you till the end
And my conscience is clear
And I can move on from here
But I wish I could say the same for you, baby
I don't ever wanna see you again
But tell me why did it have to be my best friend?
That you were messin' around with

Latest News for: uncle sam


Upcoming calendar

The Record 23 Mar 2025
Free parking is available in the City’s 5th Street Parking Garage, Riverfront Park, the Green Island Bridge lots, RPI’s Blitman Hall, and on city streets – do NOT park on the site of the former Uncle Sam Garage.

TSN Archives: George Foreman stuns Joe Frazier (Feb. 10, 1973, issue)

Sportingnews 22 Mar 2025
22, 1973 ... Then take out the one-third cut by Dick Sadler, manager, and the cuts of Sandy Saddler and Archie Moore, assistant managers; add the training expenses; pay Uncle Sam, and it's easy to see Foreman will not be going on any extended cruises ... ...

Trump orders all government IT contracts consolidated under GSA

The Register 21 Mar 2025
White House touts massive savings, agencies brace for shake-up. President Trump's latest executive order takes aim at federal IT procurement, moving to centralize how Uncle Sam buys tech across agencies ... .

This is the only way to get rid of Jew-hate at Columbia and other elite schools

New York Post 21 Mar 2025
How do you solve the antisemitism crisis at Columbia?. Simple. Hit it in what it cares about the most, its pocketbook ... report ... Too late ... But the vast public payments to academia give Uncle Sam the biggest stick of all ... ....

Review Dead & Company kicks off 2nd Sphere residency in Las Vegas

East Bay Times 21 Mar 2025
After a topnotch take on the traditional “Going Down the Road Feeling Bad,” featuring some really cool graphics with the Dead’s iconic Uncle Sam figure riding a motorcyle, we found ...

It's Debatable: Is Trump threat to ignore judicial decisions a threat to U.S. democracy?

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 21 Mar 2025
The U.S ... Fox - 5 Atlanta ... Army colonel ... I came out of this experience certain that government loan programs were a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money and left the employ of Uncle Sam almost immediately to take a job in the private sector circa 1990 ...

Slog AM: The Stranger Should Buy I-5's Uncle Sam Billboard, Adam Smith Shows His True ...

The Stranger 20 Mar 2025
The Stranger should buy the Uncle Sam Billboard in Chehalis ... You can now own Washington's famously weird-looking Uncle Sam for $2.5 million ... A lot of Seattle voted for this guy, which is why now more than ever we need that Uncle Sam Billboard.

When being rational is irrational

Splash24/7 20 Mar 2025
Who could have thought that just days after moving into the office Donald would threaten to annex Canada, grab Greenland, invade Panama again and ask Ukraine to give its strategic mineral resources to ...

Bernie Sanders and AOC\u2019s trap to destroy consumer credit

Daily Gate City 20 Mar 2025
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are at it again, hawking their “Loan Shark Prevention Act” with a shiny new 10% APR cap ... Centralize credit under Uncle Sam, kill off banks and credit unions, and wave goodbye to market choice ... .

STEPHEN GLOVER: If the despicable sight of Trump and Putin carving up Ukraine doesn't wake ...

The Daily Mail 20 Mar 2025
The last time the big powers carved up Eastern Europe was at Yalta in February 1945. Winston Churchill and Franklin D ... But he will know in his heart that Ukraine can't continue the war for long without the support of Uncle Sam ... If only ... Rearm ... If we can ... .

Brandon Morris: Don’t let inflation diminish your appreciation

Press & Guide 19 Mar 2025
Would you choose to give yourself less money in the future? Historically, bank CDs have done just that ... And to top it off, the U.S ... By structuring these portfolios with taxes in mind, you can keep more in your pocket and less in Uncle Sam’s ... Opinion . ... .

Mostly Old Stuff from March 4, 1955

Delta Democrat-Times 19 Mar 2025
The rabbi really laid It on the line. He pulled no punches, neither did he indulge in flights of fancy, nor did he fetch any cure-alls from his kit-bag. The Rev ... This was in 1905 or thereabouts ... Then he got to be a major in his Uncle Sam's army ... BC ... .

Today in Chicago History: Michael Jordan wears No. 45 in return to the Bulls

Chicago Tribune 19 Mar 2025
4.1 inches (1986) “Victory! Congress passes daylight saving bill.” This poster by the United Cigar Stores Co., which features Uncle Sam turning a clock ahead an hour as a clock-headed ...